Wildcard Subdomains

by | Jul 24, 2024

Wildcard subdomains are a fantastic solution when your domain handles numerous subdomains, like those generated by users.

To configure a wildcard subdomain, you would set the source as: *.example.com.

Key Points to Note:

Plan Availability: Wildcard subdomains are accessible from our Pro plan onwards.

Usage Calculation: Each wildcard source is equivalent to using 3 source hostnames due to the extensive SSL certificate management involved.

Fair-Use Policy: If you have a large number of subdomains (over 100), it falls under our fair-use policy to ensure smooth operation for all users.

SSL Certificates for non-enterprise plan: We issue an SSL certificate for each subdomain. These certificates are automatically installed upon the first request, ensuring secure connections for all your subdomains.

SSL Certificates for Enterprise plan: We issue a wildcard SSL certificate for your domain. This certificate will applied to all your subdomains, ensuring secure connections for all your subdomains.

Wildcard subdomains offer flexibility and efficiency, making them ideal for domains with dynamic subdomains. With RedirHub, you can manage these seamlessly while maintaining high security standards.





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