What happens if the requests limit is exceeded?

by | Jul 24, 2024

If you exceed the monthly request limit, we will promptly notify you via email. All account owners will receive this notification.

For users on the Free plan, you will have 7 days to address the over usage. You can take the following actions:

  • Explore ways to reduce the number of requests passing through RedirHub. We are happy to offer tips and strategies tailored to your situation.
  • Remove the redirect that is generating the high number of requests.
  • Upgrade to one of our paid plans.

For those on our paid plans, notifications will be sent only if the request limit is exceeded by 125% to accommodate busy periods. You will have an extended period of 30 days before any action is required.

If no action is taken within the 7 or 30 days, your redirects will be automatically halted. An email will be sent to inform you when this occurs. Upgrading to a paid plan will immediately lift the restriction, and your redirects will resume functioning within minutes.

If you manually reduce the number of hits, contact support and we will validate the changes. Once we confirm a decrease in traffic, we will gladly remove the overusage flag from your account.




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