Redirecting non-www to www

by | Jul 24, 2024

A common scenario is wanting to redirect your non-www domain to its www variant, or vice versa. The non-www version is sometimes referred to as the naked record or “apex”.

This is a perfect use-case for RedirHub!

How to set this up?

Let’s get started:

Create a RedirHub account

Sign up on RedirHub and log in to access your dashboard. It’s quick and easy, and you’ll have access to all our link management tools.

Add your source

Go to “Redirects,” and click on “New redirect.” Enter the domain without www. For example, useredirect-free.xyzas your source. This step ensures that any traffic to your non-www domain will be properly redirected.

Set the destination

Set the destination to the www variant. For instance, This ensures all your traffic is funneled to the preferred version of your site, improving SEO and user experience.

Create the redirect

Click “Next” and then “Create” button to save your settings. RedirHub will show the necessary DNS required changes for you.

Make the required DNS change

Click “View redirects” and click in “Check DNS” to see a prompt with the necessary DNS changes. Go to your domain registrar to update the A record. This record usually exists as ‘@’. Click ‘edit’ to update it with the required DNS settings for RedirHub.

For more details, see What are these DNS changes? If you need help, our support team is always available to guide you through this process.

Wait for DNS propagation

The DNS changes might take up to 24 hours to fully propagate. During this time, you can monitor the progress using tools like WhatsMyDNS.

And that’s it!

Once the DNS changes have propagated, your non-www domain will seamlessly redirect to the www variant. RedirHub makes it easy to manage these redirects, ensuring your traffic flows exactly where you want it to.




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