What DNS types can I use?

by | Jul 24, 2024


Whenever possible, we recommend using the CNAME option. This is suitable for all non-apex domains, such as www.example.com or test.example.com.


A for IPv4

The A record is required for all HTTP redirects involving apex hostnames (non-www). For example: example.com.

AAAA for IPv6

To fully support IPv6, you can add an AAAA record alongside the A record. The CNAME record currently does not include an IPv6 address, as our testing showed that enabling IPv6 could lead to increased connection times exceeding 2 seconds in regions such as Finland and other parts of Europe. This suggests that IPv6 support may not be sufficiently mature or widespread in these areas. If you want to support IPv6, you will need to manually add the above-mentioned AAAA record.



When using IP in your DNS records, you’ll need to specify our TXT records to enable account verification and it will let us know it’s your domain.


If your domain has any CAA records, it’s crucial to permit the Let’s Encrypt CA and Sectigo as well. RedirHub uses Let’s Encrypt and ZeroSSL to obtain certificates for your domain.

If you don’t have any CAA records set, you can skip this step!

0 issue "letsencrypt.org"
0 issue "sectigo.com"




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