
by | Jul 24, 2024

RedirHub’s matching options allow you to set up intricate redirect configurations effortlessly.

First, we check our database for a redirect that matches the full URL path. For instance, if a request for is received, we look for that exact match. If found, we use the specified destination. If not, we move on to the next matching criteria:

  • Exact match path (case sensitive):
  • Without path:
  • root domain (only works in www version domain):
  • Wildcard domain: *

If none of these conditions are met, a 404 page is presented. To prevent this, we recommend setting up a “root path” redirect to ensure your users always have a valid destination.

More on this below.

URI Forwarding = no preference on root match

When a request comes in without a specified path (i.e., the homepage), we prioritize sources with URL Forwarding disabled. This allows for the following setup:

Redirect 1: -> – URI Forwarding = yes

Redirect 2: -> – URI Forwarding = no

In this configuration, a request for (the homepage) will redirect to, while all other requests go to$PATH$ as specified by the source.

Match not found

What happens when a redirect request doesn’t find a match?

Path not found

Let’s say you have these redirects set up:

• ->

• ->

Example 1: A user visits and is correctly redirected to

Example 2: A user visits, which doesn’t match any path exactly. RedirHub then checks if there’s a redirect for If found, the user is redirected to This is why we always recommend setting up a “root path redirect” to avoid 404 errors.

We recommend this in our interface automatically to ensure a seamless user experience.

Because we fall back on the root path when no match is found, your visitors won’t encounter a 404 page. If you have a specific need for a custom 404 page, let us know and we can reconsider our approach.

Hostname not found

If the hostname isn’t found (i.e., not set up in RedirHub), we can’t redirect the request. In this scenario, a “404 not found” page is served.

Want to customize the branding on this error page? You can utilize a Dedicated IP for more control. Check out our Dedicated IP article for more information.




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